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Harvard Stain Blaster

Harvard Stain Blaster

Regular price £13.50
Regular price Sale price £13.50
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Stain Blaster

Kool-Aid / Red Dye Remover

Stain Blaster is the premier synthetic red dye remover for use on fabrics, carpeting, or clothing. Stain Blaster can be used for treating carpet and fabric for the presence of cranberry juice, kool-aid, fruit punch, cough syrup, many wines, chocolate and soft drink stains.

  • One-part product requires no mixing
  • Fast-acting red food dye remover

Appearance: Clear liquid with an ammonia odour

pH: 9 to 10
Size: 1 Quart

US (Metric) to UK Imperial)
1 Quart = 9.4L

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